Iconic Films Of The Fantasy Genre

As part of our research is important to analyse and depict aspects from other popular films of the Fantasy Genre.

Here is a list of some of our favourite and commonly known fantasy films:

The Lovely Bones

The lovely bones is a film that
centres on a young girl who has been murdered and watches over her family - and her killer - from purgatory. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.

The hard hitting drama set in Pennsylvania during the 1970's;the protagonist Suzie Salmon telling the story from a place between Heaven and Earth which shows the life of her family after her death.

The film was directed by Peter Jackson who is also known for directing a number of widely popular fantasy films such as  Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit.

The Time Travellers Wife

The Time Travellers Wife is a romantic fantasy drama about a man with a gene that causes him to involuntarily time travel, and the complications it creates for his marriage.

Starring Rachel McAdams the film follows the married couple as Henry DeTamble (Protagonist) as he struggles to cope balancing this super natural occurrence and his family life.  

17 Again

17 Again is very much a teenage comedy with a fantasy element about a guy whose life didn't quite turn out how he wanted it to and wishes he could go back to high school and change it. He wakes up one day and is seventeen again and gets the chance to rewrite his life.

Zac Efron leads the film indicating that this is very much aimed at teenage girls; although the idea of having a second chance is what we're looking at in our narrative, a drama may deem to be more suitable.

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