Naming of our Trailer

Reincarnation in Hindu art
In this blog post I will look at the names we looked at for naming our film , and why we choose our final name.

Obviously for our trailer we wanted a simplistic name for our film which would not only be memorable, but also would reflect our chosen genre and the narrative of our story.

When brainstorming our chosen name we thought about our trailer narrative, a girl who keeps coming back from the dead and reincarnates. From this we came up the idea of the word again, and looked at the synonyms from this.

  • Encore
  • Anew
  • By and By
We decided to look at predominately one word names as they are generally more memorable and recognised than films with a longer title. For example, Inception, Titanic and Amour.

We then decided to explore a more metaphorical name for our film by looking at flowers and tying their meanings with something that reflected our narrative.

For example:
  • Juniper - meaning Eternity

  • Lucerne - meaning Life

  • Primrose - meaning Inconstancy

  • Carnation - meaning Death

We also thought that flower names would be particularly appropriate as in our storyboard we feature images of a flower to symbolise rebirth and death.

To choose a name we decides to ask a number of people their thoughts on the names, and which was their particularly their favourite.

"I think that the flower names are a good idea. But I think people won't really connect it to the meaning of the flower as the flower name are quite obscure."

"I like the idea of referencing the word again."

"I really like By and By."

After asking several people their thoughts and discussing within our group we decided to name our film By and By as it sounded the most understandable name by an audience, whilst still being a little individual. By and By was chosen not only because it means again, but it is also a line in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet which reflects the romance aspect of our narrative.

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