Audience Feedback - Effectiveness Of Ancillary Tasks And Trailer

As part of our evaluation process it was important to get feedback from our potential audiences on the effectiveness of our promotional package as whole. 

In order to do this we asked 21 people ,that matched our target audience criteria, the following questions;

1) Do you think our promotional package worked as a whole?
2) What genre would you classify our package as?
3) After viewing the website and poster and trailer, would you be interested in viewing the film?

These are the responses we received!

100% of people said they thought the 
package worked well as a whole!

 16 people said that from viewing our promotional package they thought it was of the fantasy genre, 2 drama, 2 romance and 1 classed it as a sci-fi all of which we would place as themes or sub-genre's of our film.

18 out of 21 people said they would see the film
2 out of 21 people said they would maybe see the film
1 out of 21 people said they wouldn't see the film.

When asked to explain why they wouldn't be interested in viewing our film, they said "I only go to the cinema to watch funny films and I think the concept of your film would dampen my mood - i would perhaps see it if I was a bit sad myself, but wouldn't go out of my way to feel sad - not my type of film"

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