Research and Inspiration for the Flower Shot

After looking at films such as The Lovely Bones and The Tree of Life we saw that they represented a theme of the after life, an typical aspect of Drama/Fantasy films, through the subtle use of shots of natural imagery, creating connotations within their trailer and films a link with nature and the circle of life. 

For this we thought of using an image of flower budding and closing as a recurring image within our trailer to represent the aspect of reincarnation and life cycles within the narrative within our film artistically.

Examples of this kind of shot which we hope to use in our piece are seen in films such as American Beauty, despite the film being a drama with not supernatural or fantastic element to it, the trailer features this shot of rose to portray a theme of romance within the narrative and how it buds and dies, much like the life cycle of a rose. The use of a red rose in this trailer not only presents the connotations of romance but also ultimately danger, and the danger of these romances within the film narrative. 

We also took some inspiration from flower time-lapse videos on youtube.

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