Problems Experienced! Bathroom Scene - First Cut

After filming our first scenes for a trailer, we have already experienced a few problems that as a group we are not happy with.

Here is the following, un edited footage we shot last week.

As you can see the camera quality is not great. This is potentially due to the way the footage had to be uploaded through to the iMovie software. Due to filters on the school based Macs we had to upload from the SD card onto a normal computer, then to put it onto a memory stick in order for the footage to upload to iMovie.

Also the lighting is much darker than anticipated as we originally thought the lighting would be too light, however as the footage has uploaded onto the Mac it has come across a lot darker.

After playing around with the effects, exposure, brightness and contrast of the shots the images eventually look worse in quality and don't give the right feel for the video as we would like.

On reflection of the shots as well, it doesn't really give the idea that she is in a bathroom.
In order to rectify this we are going to do extra filming in a different bathroom which might be better in terms of lighting and also that we can pull of the fact she is in a bathroom as opposed to a random room.

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