Voice Over Research

A main part of making our trailer successful is working on the voice over! We have a split decision on whether or not the 'anchor' should be a male or females voice.

If it was a female, it would be told from the protagonists prospective, if male it would be from her modern day boyfriends point of view - following the format of The Time Travellers Wife.

In order to decide whether we use a male of female voice over - we have done our own research but getting numerous people who we think would suit the role to read out the following:

"I've known Henry since I was six years old
I remember the first day we met
One second he was there, the next he was gone
I've been waiting for Henry my entire life."
What we made them read out was the voice over of the Time Travellers Wife, so we could see if our potential voice over would be as convincing and have the same emotional effect on the audience.

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