Codes and Conventions of Trailers

In this post I shall be looking at the codes and conventions of trailers; from this research we can identify what will make our own trailer piece recognisable as a trailer to audience and convey itself as a existing and contemporary media product.

Green Screen:
At the beginning of almost every trailer, whether teaser or theatrical, a green screen is always the first image seen on a trailer.

Production Company Logos:
The second image that follows in a trailer is usually the production company logos who were involved in the making, distribution and production of the film.

Here are a few of the biggest production company's logo, it would be here in the trailer that we would put our own production logo. Typically many production companies have their own music alongside their production logo, and depending on the genre of the film, this production logo, prior to the trailer, and sometime in the actual film, would be edited to fit to the genre the film it made was. For example 20th Century Fox and Lionsgate have alternative logo beginning depending on genre's such as Sci-Fi and Horror.

Awards they have won:
Critically acclaimed films which have either won or been nominated for awards will feature these esteems in their trailer, either as a means of better advertising, or depending on the award, help to attract an audience which appreciate the artistic quality that went into making properly, for example films that have awards from the Cannes Film Festival or the Toronto Film Festival.




Names of Actors:
Most trailers will mention a few actors featured in their film, particularly if the actor is critically acclaimed, popular or of note. For example in the trailer for Black Swan, although the film did not win awards because of Natalie Portman's acting, the trailer still mentions that she has received awards before, helping to further advertise the film as a serious an note worthy piece of film. 



Quotes made about the film:
If a film has received note worthy reviews, particularly from important and recognised people in the industry, they will include this within the trailer. 



Title Screens:
Often is films have a complicated narrative which is hard to convey to the audience, or there isn't a voice over a film trailer, trailers will have title screen which help explain the story and context of the film. Title screens are sometimes used instead of a voice-over in order to help keep the pathos of the trailer, as a voice over can often be disturbing if the trailer evokes a particular atmosphere. 



Film name:
Often, the name of the film will be at the end of the trailer. This is done technically as it helps the audience to remember the name of the film to create intrigue about it. The name of the film more often than not is presented similarly to how title screen are show to show an element of continuity in the trailer. 

Time of the film's release and other info:
At the end of the trailer, whether teaser or theatrical, one of the last screens will be a date of the film's release and other information, such as the website of the film and any social media. 



Credits for the film:
The last screen of the trailer will often be the credits of the movie. For example who was the director, editor, director of photography, production companies etc. etc. 


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