Filming schedule first draft

Filming Schedule - First Draft

December 23rd - 25th - Hayley will film basic shots of Miami while on holiday for our 'wealthy' setting. The main focus will be Miami beach and he beach front

January 6th - During a lunch time at school or after school out group will go to Alex's house to film the pregnancy test scene. This scene will be the first involving our main actress Hattie Pursell. During this scene we will have to use a positive pregnancy test as a prop and Hattie should be wearing everyday day, ordinary, comfortable modern day clothes.

January 12th - This Sunday we plan to film the majority of our trailer and will therefore be travelling to many different locations. We will begin in Maidstone filming the 'rough' setting at the back of Maidstone west train station and in an ally way close by. The next location will be Kemsing, we have carefully picked a large field that we feel has the right aspects the group wants for our film trailer. The main scenes here Hattie will be filmed unconscious laying motionless on the ground. The final filming location for this date will be in Yalding. We have discovered a circular bench that surrounds a large tree in the centre of Yalding. Here we will film Hattie sitting opposite a male actor who will play her boy friend.

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