Looking at Existing Movie Posters within our Chosen Genre (Drama/Fantasy)

  1. The colours used in the poster are mostly warm toned purples and yellows, whilst also paying close attention tot he use of black and white, through using these colours the poster projects a heavenly and mystical feel. 
  2. The font they have used is sans serif showing making the film poster seem more modern and artist, as opposed to a serif font. however this could also be due to the fact that the background is particularly a complex picture, so a sans serif font is the most easy to read. 
  3. This poster has also used the rule of third, placing two characters in different thirds and making the colour vibrancy of the poster fade from one third to another. 
  4. Above the title of the movie the name of the director is mentioned showing that the film is a piece by well recognised and established director, further advertising people to see the film. 
  5. The actual image used in the picture is an adaptation of a critical scene within the movie. 

  1. As an artistic  film, the poster plays close attention to the number of awards and reviews it has received, such as the Palme D'or. Not only does showing the awards help promote the film, but depending on what awards it received it helps attract the correct target audience. For example the Palme D'or is the highest award given at the Cannes Film Festival, a film festival that celebrates stylised film as opposed to the films of mass culture and media. 
  2. Again much like the lovely bones, the colours in the poster are vibrant colours, however these are still from the movie itself. The poster also uses a lot of white, again helping to project the artistic element to the film, as well as helping the vibrant stills from the film further stand out. It could also have been used to help convey the after-life aspect of the film as white has connotations of innocence and heaven. 
  3. Like the previous poster, a sans serif font has been used to make the poster seem more modern and aesthetically appealing, much like the lovely bones the images used within the poster are also quite complex so it could have also been used to make the names of the actors which appear on top of the stills easier to read. 
  4. The name of the director has also been mentioned near the title of the movie, which appears in the middle of the movie poster. 

  1. The poster for another earth, is again very similar to the posters of the genre, using a sans serif font to show that this particular film is stylistic. 
  2. The poster like the Tree of Life poster features the awards it has won. The Sundance Film festival is a festival which celebrates independent film, therefore through showcasing its received awards from the festival the poster is able to not only celebrate and display its success but also attract the audience that would most enjoy and appreciate the film.
  3. The poster, similar to those in the same genre, has vibrant colours such as blues and yellows (similar to the previous two), helping to project the fantasy/science-fiction element of the film.
  4. This poster however, shows less detail than the previous two, the poster only show the name of the film, a comment about it and it release. This is could perhaps the film was still in production, or that the names of the those who were in the film or made it were not worth noting on the poster, or it helps to invoke an enigma about the film, enticing people to look it up or watch it. 

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