Weather Problems! (Again)

After beginning to edit our piece for our first cut due on Friday 7th February, we realised we needed to add a couple more shots of Hattie in the 1950's scenery.

Yet again the weather is bad! And the shot we wanted to complete at lunch today; was a close up of our protagonist lying on the floor.

However due to the awful weather, the field we have previously used is waterlogged and also would mean the dress would get ruined for future use if we ever needed to use it again.

With this, we aim to complete more filming tonight in Tonbridge and will take a trip to Tonbridge park to see how the weather conditions are. Just in case we will also take bin bags with us to ensure that if it is any better there that we can lay Hattie on top of them to try and give some form of protection for the dress.

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