Conventions of a film Poster

As part of the production process; we also need to produce a Poster for our trailer.

Purpose Of A Film Poster?
In conjunction with a film trailer, a poster is produced in order to advertise and market the film! The poster should give an indication to what the audience would expect to see in the film, typically in terms of genre and perhaps who is also starring in the film itself.
It can also be used in order to attract an audience to look for the film trailer using other sources of media such as YouTube or perhaps look out for it on TV.

Key Features of a Poster

Film Title
 Every single film poster will have the film's title bold within the poster; often following a tag line that grips an audience or
adds further interest.
          Release Date

The release date of a film is also important to have on the film poster as this might be the first place people will hear about the release of the film. With this is mind it is important to keep the date bold and visible so people will remember it for future reference.
    Typically the cast appearing in the film are shown at the top of the poster or at the bottom. Also the most famous/relevant actors name will appear first, as this is likely to attract the most attention from the perspective audience.

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