Reflection On Audience Feedback - First Cut

After collecting the data, as a group we thought it was a good time to discuss what we had achieved so far as a group and how we can move forward and where we need to work on trailer.

We decided that we would look at what we could change in our trailer piece which was plausible and nothing that would drastically change our narrative and the pathos of our media piece.

From the audience feedback we gathered that we needed to look at the following:

  • Titles - we would aim to change what some of the titles said to make them seem more professional and crisp.
  • Post Production- Although not something many people wanted to change some commented on it being too dark, etc. Therefore as it is easy to do we should aim to change the tints and effects on some shots.
  • Shots - People commented on some shots not working etc. Therefore we should aim to change how they look through editing and Post Production.
However overall we think that the first cut viewing of our trailer was a major success with the majority agreeing they'd watch this film and understood the storyline. The only things that we must change as a group for our final draft is the shot of the flower (which we must attempt to recreate ourselves) and change the score of our trailer to a track which is not copyrighted.

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