Beyonce Halo Video - Lighting Idea's

As part of the fantansy genre, lighting is of high importance and can also be used tactfully to show a different aspect of the film, without having to use expensive CGI effects.

The video to Beyonce's Halo, constructs the ideal level of lighting that would be great for us to use in our own piece.

The music video uses extreme high key lighting, giving the impression of a young vunerable woman in an angelic atmosphere.
The colour tone that is used makes the shot look dream like.

This would be perfect for creating a retrospective effect that we could use for our trailer; as a key concept of our initial idea is to show fluctuation between moments of a person's life.

 What I really like about this shot, is how the light comes through and significantly takes away alot of visibility from the screen.

This not only helps create the idea of a heavenly state but could maybe be used as a form of transition.

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